I was talking the other day to a client who is nearing the successful end of a very large and complex project, one that had a high chance of...
How many of us have rummaged around in the back of the fridge, found some food slightly curled at the edges, looked at the “use by”...
Every conversation about “work/life balance leaves me annoyed because it seems to totally miss the point. What is this mysterious thing...
When we set up Defy Expectations we had a very clear vision of leadership. Leadership was not something confined to the few, to those who...
Many companies now are looking at how they move people into the next phase of work and the answer is not an easy one because there are so many...
Of all the things that I have ever had to do as a leader making people redundant is the worst. It never gets any easier to do, you can blame...
The ability to research used to be limited to the few, now it sits at the end of our fingers. The virus has made researchers of us all. ...
Helen wrote an interesting piece in January about having G.R.I.T. OK, she was using it as an abbreviation for some qualities (Gratitude,...
I, controversially, think they don’t. A business has three main aspects; its people, process and systems, and when we look at tackling...
In the last quarter available, the UK alone hit a record 370,000 redundancies (Aug-Oct 2020) and the trajectory is not good - December 7th saw over...
A major theme in our free online bullying course has been just how dominant the emotional part of our brains (limbic brain) are over the thinking...
Love is not weak, love is not a doormat, love does not compromise, but love is compassionate, listening and understanding. Love does not sit there...